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To obtain C2C certi cation , the products in question must ful l a series of demanding requirements, including the following: ‡ Using materials that are harmless and healthy for the environment. ‡ Design taking into account the reuse of the material through recycling (ability to use all the material to produce a new product) or composting (ability to return to the earth or even be used as plant fertiliser). ‡ Making efficient use of water and promoting maximum quality of the water used for production. ‡ Creating strategies for social responsibility. ‡ Using renewable energy. Cradle to Cradle Sustainable Certi cation CRADLE TO CRADLE certifies the product, considering not only the product itself, but also everything that affects the production system. Achieving this CRADLE TO CRADLE certification is a major success for Cosentino, in line with the environmental and sustainable policy of Cosentino. CRADLE TO CRADLE is more than just a product certification; it is something else, a philosophy. The authors of the book “Cradle to Cradle: Remaking The Way We Make Things”, (Michael Braungart and William McDonough) defend the idea that no consumer product should be made if it will become useless, potentially polluting junk at the end of its useful life. MBDC & CRADLE TO CRADLE certi cation: MBDC, with headquarters in Charlottesville (Virginia, USA), was founded by William McDonough and Michael Braungart to cooperate with companies and help them use design strategies for products and systems based on environmental efficiency. This is the message they want to get across with CRADLE TO CRADLE certification, which can be awarded to any products that meet the criteria defined by this consultancy firm in terms of “environmentally intelligent” design. Cosentino ® remains committed to sustainability and environmentally friendly practices, as one of the company’s core principles. Achieving this CRADLE TO CRADLE certification for ECO by Cosentino ® supports this policy and is a good example of it.