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4. Kick box installation instructions. 9, Scribing kick face to floor. Wedge up kick face so top is parallel to kick box and scribe a line onto kick face by the amount that the kick face is too high by with a scribe block. Pic 10, Planning kick face to fit floor. Use a sharp electric planner to plane kick face. Tip, Ensure when planning edged ends of kick faces that the plane is always cutting into the edged end and not off the end. Failure to do so will result in the edge strip coming loose or coming off. 11,Fixing kick face to kick boxes . Fix kick faces to kick boxes from inside of kick boxes .Please note that kick face ends that either abut a wall or another internal kick facing, may need cutting to length. Pic,12 Gluing kick boxes that abut a wall to floor . Just prior to final placement of base carcases onto kick boxes , apply construction glue to the inside of the kick boxes to floor. This will allow you to adjust kick boxes just before you fix the carcases to them.